Secürity (World Premiere)

Country: Germany | Genre: Comedy | Creators, Writers: Ismail Erdogru, Emrah Erdogru | Director: Ismail Erdogru | Producers: Kristian Wolff, Cristian Ceoroiu, Ismail Erdogru, Emrah Erdogru | Main Cast: Elena Halangk, Jörg Zick, Emrah Erdogru, Ismail Erdogru, Lena Katharina Merle, Thomas Helm, Micky Jukovic, Mylene Dück, Steven C. Langner, Cengiz Erdem

“Secürity” is a comedy series about some underdogs working for Frankfurts cheapest security company. It is a tale about the ups, the downs and about friendship in this never boring business.
