Patrick Schimanski

Head of Digital Processes/Forum Sustainability | Stadttheater Giessen | Germany

Patrick Schimanski works as a transdisciplinary artist between all genres. He is a composer, sound artist, dramaturg, performer and director, works nationwide and internationally both in the independent scene and at municipal and state theaters, constantly develops new experimental and performative performance formats in changing formations and also deals intensively with the topics of sustainability and digitality. And so his work can also be found at a wide variety of venues such as the “Spielart-Festival” Munich, the “Ruhrfestspiele” Recklinghausen, the “Thalia Theater” Hamburg, the “Deutsches Theater” Berlin, the Stuttgart State Opera, the Schauspielhaus Zurich, the Krakow Opera House, the virtual theater meeting of “Nachtkritik”, “Deutschlandradio Kultur” and many more.
